Living deeply. Closing the gap between how we want to live and how we actually live.
Friday evening 7-9 p.m. Practicing the Way of Jesus. We live in a time of skepticism about organized religion and Christianity in particular. And yet we long for healing change for our world and in our personal lives. What might we discover if we have the courage to put the teachings of Christ into practice?
Saturday 9-3 p.m. FREE: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most. We were made to flourish and do good in a world full of abundance. Yet our typical pace of life and rates of consumption are wearing us out and destroying the planet. There is a trusted path for recovering the life of meaning, freedom and compassion we were created for. In this 6 hour workshop we will explore soul postures and practical steps towards greater alignment of time, money and global sustainability. Learn to live more gratefully, creatively and sustainably.
Mark will also be speaking at Sunday morning services, 8 and 10 a.m.