Is ReImagine a church?

We are a spiritual formation center committed to practicing the way of Jesus and sharing life together, both locally and globally.  We:

(1) help start communities of practice

(2) come along side existing churches  to help them cultivate deeper paths of formation and discipleship

(3) develop leaders through training and coaching

Are you affiliated with any particular denomination?

Our goal is to be a resource to the wider Christian community. We work with a broad variety of groups, organizations, churches, universities and seminaries, including Evangelical, Mennonite, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Episcopalian and many others. We focus on the essential message of the gospel and how it can be applied in a variety of settings.

Some of your language sounds strange. Why do you talk so funny?

We think language is really important, shaping the way we see God, the world and ourselves. We are challenged to talk about spirituality in terms that are understood in the culture where we live and relate the historic message of Jesus  to contemporary questions.

Are you Christians?

The word "Christian" can mean so many things: a national identity, political or institutional allegiance, belief in certain doctrines, etc. In the first century A.D. the word "Christian" simply meant someone who was known to embody the love of Jesus. In that sense, we are definitely seeking to be Christians.

Can I come visit your organization?

If you live in the Bay Area the best way to connect with us is through participation in our occasional retreats or workshops or public teaching events or by inviting us to speak to your group or facilitate a learning intensive. 

How are you funded?

We are a 501 (c) 3 non-profit funded by donors and program fees. We offer many of our programs free of charge or with scholarships, asking individuals and groups who benefit from our work to contribute whenever possible.