Imagine what life and our world might look like if we could learn to love our enemies, forgive those who have hurt us, stop worrying and sold our possessions to give to the poor. Jesus Christ lived and taught a revolutionary way of love, a whole new way of being, that we can embrace by learning to put his teachings into practice. Jesus called this the reality of the kingdom of God and invited his followers into a renewed sense of identity, purpose, security, community and peace. Anger, fear, worry, anxiety, striving, compulsive behavior and difficulties in relationships are each signs that we have not yet fully come to experience the greater wholeness of life under God’s care. We are challenged to find a way to close the gap between how we want to live, and how we actually live. Transformation comes to us as a grace and gift from our Creator. Yet there are practical steps we can take to cooperate with the healing work that God desires for our lives and for our world. In the Christian tradition, spiritual disciplines and shared spiritual formation practices have provided a reliable path to experiencing the transformation that makes us fully alive to the way of love.
What we do:
- We live deeply in search of the reality that Jesus embodied and proclaimed.
- We create resources and transformational processes that help others on this journey.
- We use our local context, (San Francisco), to pilot and promote these resources.
- We seek opportunities to see these resources and processes widely utilized by groups through live speaking and training events.
- We mentor and coach leaders that we identify along the way who can help others experience greater wholeness.
- The life and teachings of Jesus, (as documented in the New Testament) provide a reliable guide and vision for what it means to be fully alive.
- We seek to learn by taking new risks, reflecting on what we experience and consider how we can integrate what we learn into the ongoing rhythms of life.
- Increasing self-awareness is essential to this journey and we need the solidarity and support of others in this process.
- We strive to teach and lead others from a place of honesty, self-awareness, lived experience and knowledge of theology, psychology, culture and social context..
For Individuals: we offer leadership training, coaching and spiritual direction.
For Groups: We partner with organizations and churches to offer learning experiences, workshops and retreats.
Online and in print: We offer resources that help groups and individuals take life-giving steps of practice (books, podcasts, web articles and online courses).